Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Forbes Highlights 3 Career Lessons ...From Women!

Forbes posted this great article, which covers the most recent TIMES list of 100 most influential people:

The author of the article writes, "The list contains influencers from countries all over the globe, and features both men and women. But in a world where patriarchy can often inhibit women’s progress, many of the women on the list particularly stand out for their achievements." The acknowledgement of women's efforts and advances in the workplace and the world overall such a great thing to see and to encourage other women. 

Particularly interesting to some of the conversations we've had in class are the two women listed under the lesson that "standing up for what you believe in is always a good career choice." Dulce Matuz, a 27 year old Latina (inspiring too because women our age are making a difference!) began the Arizona Dream Act Coalition after her status as an undocumented immigrant prevented her from pursuing her dream of being an electrical engineer. Now she fights for other people like her dealing with citizenship rights issues and helps others reach their goals. Then there is also Maryam Durani, a broadcaster from Afghanistan, who owns a radio station which focuses on women's issues. As the article explains she's faced a lot of opposition, including assassination threats, but she just keeps going and working towards her cause. 

All of the women listed in the TIMES 100 most influential people list are examples of what women can do today with motivation and perseverance, that once may have been thought of as impossible. Even starting a business is something that is fairly new for women. Women in the science field, such as the Nobel prize winner, also historically face traditional patriarchy similar to the way Einstein's first wife did. I expect we'll continue seeing more and more references to women's achievements as the years go on and maybe one day even in the political arena where, as we saw with Hilary and's still very much a man's world and women who try to enter are made to feel they don't belong. 

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