This post seems
like a good discussion tool for me to end my discussion with. An American
catholic sister wrote a book entitled "Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual
Ethics", which apparently does not line up with Vatican teachings. Here is the yahoo article that goes
into detail on it.
article brings me back to our discussion on GBLTQI people with Jordan
Garcia. Although gay marriage and
equality are not rights the Catholic Church officially stands for, the book is
not going against dogma; in effect this is something that could be changed. “Farley
wrote that homosexual people as well as their activities should be respected.
Church teaching holds that gays should be respected but that homosexual acts
are "intrinsically disordered."’ I suppose the first question that comes to mind here is how
is possible to respect the person and not the acts that the person does? This
is apparently what the church is advocating for. According to the article Sister Margaret’s book calls for
the legalizing of gay marriage, in that it could “help transform the
stigmatization of gays”, according to Nicole Wintfield in the article. Yet the church is taking its official
stance on this issue that it somehow lessens the value of marriage that takes place between a man and a woman. I do not see how this has any negative
effect on the relationship between any people that love each other. I am curious as to what the rest of you
think about what Sister Margaret Farley is advocating for and the position of
the church on the issues that she presents.
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