Thanks for posting this, Majo. It seems like one of the recurring themes I encounter this term is the dangerous nature of stereotypes and sweeping generalizations, especially related to highly complex and contentious issues. I think that there's a lot of truth that resonates from some of the criticisms of Eltahawy's article. While I don't want to come across as an apologist for the bad behavior of many Arab men, I find it dangerous and academically questionable for her to draw such sweeping generalizations as to the attitude of Arab men toward women.
Thanks for posting this, Majo. It seems like one of the recurring themes I encounter this term is the dangerous nature of stereotypes and sweeping generalizations, especially related to highly complex and contentious issues. I think that there's a lot of truth that resonates from some of the criticisms of Eltahawy's article. While I don't want to come across as an apologist for the bad behavior of many Arab men, I find it dangerous and academically questionable for her to draw such sweeping generalizations as to the attitude of Arab men toward women.