Monday, April 16, 2012

"Your Vagina Isn’t Just Too Big, Too Floppy, and Too Hairy—It’s Also Too Brown."

Came across another article that is related to perceptions of beauty, and the disturbingly strong link between a woman's self-confidence & sense of worth, and her appearance.

Behold, yet another ridiculous fairness product that has been introduced in India:


  1. I read this too! The guy that was interviewed... it was shocking to read his words.

  2. I look forward to the day where they have masculine hygiene product commercials...and the theme could be Ball Wipe make your penis bigger and blacker

  3. wow. This was shocking. Vaginal bleaching - sounds like fun. Ironically the day I read this, I stumbled upon some old vintage advertisements from the 1950s-1970s. They are completely, unapologetically sexist. I know we have come a long way from these, but sexism and objectifying women in advertising obviously still exists. Beer commercials of the 90s, anyone? Well, here is the link, and I can't imagine any of these ads appealing to anyone of sound mind, but obviously it worked (works?).
